Thursday, May 24, 2012

Design after Graduation

Finally! Graduation seemed so far away and then it came and went faster than I could say the word graduation. Now that graduation is over I have spent a good share of my time job hunting. I've had a few interviews, no luck yet but that hasn't gotten my down. I continue to search several times a day and have been utilizing contacts that my family has given me.

When I'm not looking for a job or taking care of my little girl I can still be found doing design work. It's kind of a weird feeling that I have been doing design work that isn't for a school project (which most of the time all my work was for school). It's certainly been a nice change.

A few projects that I have done are the following:

Information short film/movie/moving text show for CatchDeed. CatchDeed is basically a way of showing the good deeds that one does, imputing in online and watching how that one deed grows into many more good deeds. It was created using Adobe Flash. It was a great experience to work with actual clients. The process was simple and clean. I discussed the project via phone with the owners. Mocked up a brief story board from my takings from the phone call followed by having a meeting by the owners. Then actually completing the project. Once I completed the project a '' viewing was done (where others can look at your computer screen and see what you have up). The owners enjoyed what they saw and only had minor changes. Changes were fixed and the next thing I know I was meeting with them one last time to give them all the material. It was a rather quick process - roughly two weeks from beginning to end. The project itself did not take a very long time to execute but adding being sick and my little one being sick did lengthen the time frame a little bit.

If you would like to view the video it can be seen on YouTube as well as on the Facebook page for CatchDeed.

My next project has been my daughter's birthday invitations. I was so excited to finally be able to do these and I've had the idea for them for months now. I wanted something simple yet cute as a 'bug' (Her nickname is bug). Here is what I did for the invitation. I have changed her name as well as the date and address of the event for privacy reasons.


 The inserts I created for the event. I put 4 on a sheet for printing purposes.

I got the invites and inserts printed at Walmart 1-hour photo. It didn't cost very much and they turned out great. On the inserts I just had to cut them to size. I greatly enjoyed how the turned out and I hope those that were invited enjoyed them as well.

Due to graduating I needed some graduation announcements. Being a designer I decided to do them myself. For these I ending up surfing the internet to find examples and I found an example that I loved. The only problem was to create something similar required much more than a quick recreation. I had to learn some design skills that I have not ever attempted... it was the clipping mask. It was rather easy to to. I pulled out my adobe books and went to work. I ended up learning it in the following Adobe products: Indesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. After creating the clipping mask I realized that it was pretty fun to do and really wasn't hard at all.

Here is the final product.

In ending, even though I may be done with school and I am still looking for employment I am still designing. Design is what I love, it's what I'm passionate about.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Portfolio - As of 04/20/2012

Here are all of my portfolio finished portfolio pieces. This is the most updated version. I have taken some things out and added some different pieces since the last posting that contained all the portfolio projects. All the projects are categorized by the type of project (branding, print, 3d, etc). I have created a website to show my portfolio however the my web hosting serving is under construction. Once it is up and running again the web address will be posted here on my blog, until then please continue to refer to this blog.

 This is my personal brand identity: Jaimie Eddy Design

 Logos/Brands that I created.

 My personal branding system.

 Branding system for Studio 102. A student gallery space located on Utah State University's main campus.

 Branding system for 'Camry-Sue Tableware', a fictional dish-ware company.

 Branding system for IDIAS. 

Branding system for 'Miles Louis Collection'. This collections specializes in high end shoes, handbags, and accessories targeted for women from the ages 20 to 45.

Branding system created for Rhaelene Rollins Lowther. Rhaelene is a graduate graphic design student at Utah State University.

 Poster on the typeface 'Arial'.

Spread on 'Hellenistic Art', which just so happens to be my favorite period in art history.

Cover, back-cover, and two spreads from a specialized pamphlet on cakes.  

 Website from the 'Cake' pamphlet.

 My personal portfolio website.

Website for USU graduate graphic design student, Rhaelene Rollins Lowther.

 Three dimensional shoes modeled for the 'Miles Louis Collection'. Programs used: Autodesk Maya and Photoshop.
 'TAKO' is an animated short that was created of a collaborative force of students and great mentor (Maya Instructor). I completed several tasks in this short however the most important asset I created were the Squid model (not featured above) and octopus model (featured above).
Three dimensional models for 'Camry-Sue Tableware'. Created using Autodesk Maya and Photoshop.

I hope you enjoyed and any questions comments you have would be greatly appreciated.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Camry-Sue Tableware

Today I have finished all the lighting, textures and testing render setting for my Camry-Sue Tableware project. Here are my first few renders. Due to render times (nearly 16 minutes each) more renders will come as they are completed. Enjoy, all comments are appreciated.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Camry-Sue Tableware Models

For the 'Camry-Sue Tableware' collection I have been creating actual 3d models of plates, bowls etc. I have been working on lighting and textures the last several weeks. Here are a few of the current renders.

I enjoy the texture on the glasses above, the lighting greatly makes or breaks these objects. As for the plates... I'm still not sold on how they are looking. I want the shadows to diffuse out instead of having such a hard edge as well as make the overall texture a bit 'shinier" that it is. It is currently on a lambert and a phong or blinn should help give it a more desirable look


Layout - Work in Progress

This is the front cover and back cover.

To enhance my layout skills I have been working on a layout centered around cakes (which just happens to be something I love to bake!). Here are my layouts. Any and all criticism is welcome, especially comments that pertain to the layout and grid. Does it work, etc? I know the type needs work and there are several things I'm thinking need to be fixed.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Arial Typeface Poster

My favorite typeface is Arial. It's simple, clean, and it a great solution when paired with a more complex font. Due to it being my favorite, it only seemed fitting that when I was asked to create a poster about a typeface I chose Arial. This poster had a few rules along with it, it had to have the name of the creator/s, year it was created and information about the typeface. Obviously, all the type on the poster was in the font Arial.


IDIAS Logo and Branding

IDIAS is the acronym for Interactive Design for Instructional Applications and Simulations (IDIAS) Institute. A professor I had was working on getting IDIAS off their feet and going and needed a logo and branding system. "The IDIAS Institute builds on USU strengths in instructional design, interactive simulations, and interface design to inform technology research and develop commercially viable and innovative products." (Courtesy of

Here is what I created for IDIAS.

This logo and system was extremely difficult to execute. It seemed that my classmates and myself had a hard time understanding what the clientele objective was as well as what IDIAS wanted to portray about themselves. IDIAS was still in the beginning stages and once all the final details were established my fellow students and I were able to go back and complete the logo and system accurately. The logo and system that I created was not chosen to represent IDIAS. I am unsure who exactly created the logo they currently use.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Studio 102

Studio 102 is a gallery located in the Fine Arts Visual building at Utah State University. This gallery specifically exhibits student work. I was currently enrolled in a branding class when this gallery was under construction. My class was asked to create a logo and branding system for this gallery.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Miles Louis Collection

Miles Louis Collection is a fictional, high-end shoe company. They target women from the ages of early 20s to mid 40s. The merchandise they sell is expensive and upscale. Branding this company as well as creating a 3d model of a shoe was a complete blast. As I have stated before, I greatly enjoy product design and physically creating the project and the brand to go with it. Here is the logo, branding package and model renders.
This project really took a lot of thought. In the past I just had to create the brand or the model idea, never actually putting the two elements together in on product. Combining the two certainly tested my creativity. For this project my professor created a weekly progress timeline and I found I struggled meeting this because I would come to class and my professor would ask me to go back and rework it all. This didn't bother me but it did stress me out. After a solid three weeks of continually reworking everything it all finally game together. Deciding the name was the most influential decision. Once I nailed the name everything else came together.

As far as the technical aspects, the logo and branding were created using Illustrator and the shoe was created using Autodesk Maya. I had no technical problems with Illustrator but Maya certainly gave me a run for my money. The modeling aspect was no problem but the texturing and lighting was. I wanted to put the brand on the inside of the shoe and Maya did not seem to like me combining a Maya made texture with a me-made texture. The lighting wasn't necessarily a problem but it took a lot of trial and error (several days worth) to get the desired result. Each time I changed the camera I found myself having to adjust the lighting.

Would I do anything different? Yes. This last week I showed my professor this model and it was suggested that I show more than just the finished renders but also the in-progress renders as well as show the wire frame of the model. Taking this advice I am currently working on just wire frame renders of this particular model. Look for a future post with the wire frames.


Pictograms - Music Melodies

The first graphic design class that I took was 'Computers and Art'. This class focused on teaching us the basic design programs (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & Indesign) and the functions within those programs.

Out of all the projects I created the "Pictogram" assignment was my favorite. This assignment involved only Illustrator and consisted of creating a series of pictograms that all worked together. At this point in my educational career I was working at an Entertainment store (Hastings) working in the music department. In that department I was always in charge of alphabetizing each musical section. I was astounded by actually how many categories of music there were; here is where I got my idea for the pictograms. At my store each category was labeled by a word and not by a picture and due to this I thought it would be fun to create something that not only would full fill the assignment requirements but could also fit along as a way to label each musical section. Here is my pictograms.
Now that you've looked at the pictograms, how did I do? Do they read as music icons and what music genre does each pictogram represent? (I would appreciate feedback, I'm curious to see if the viewers would label them the same as I would label them.)


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Maya Project Spring 2012

This semester I am creating a project using Autodesk Maya. I am creating a tableware collection and branding for this collection. The title is "Camry-Sue Tableware." I have completed the branding package as well as models. Currently I am working on the texturing and lighting in Maya. I am striving to reach a glass that I like and is realistic. So far, I haven't been very successful. I have made a few glass textures and they seem okay but not as clear and crisp and I would like. I'm beginning to think that it's my lighting and I've been focusing on the two together. Here a quick render of what I'm working on as well as the logo/branding system.

Rendering focusing on the textures and lighting. This render is bad in regards to the plates and bowl. I have achieved a good lighting and texture for those specific items but I wanted to see how it would be affected by the glasses. In this render they are white and much more reflective then they actually are.
Branding logo for Camry-Sue Tableware.

This is what I have thus far. More will come soon!


Jaimie Eddy Design - Personal Website

I am proud to present the Jaimie Eddy Design website. This website has been something I have been needing to complete for while and always seemed to put to the back of my list of projects because I do not enjoy coding. Now that it is said and done I'm extremely proud of what I accomplished. This website forced me to do research and actually figure out what I need to do and actually do it. I have learned much more than I thought I would and my view on coding and web design has changed drastically (I actually like doing it). I have much more confidence in myself and feel much more up to the challenge of creating websites than I did before.

Here is the URL:

FYI this website is created using html, javascript and css. I used many resources such as the web and books to learn the code needed. I also spoke with individuals savvy with coding for tips and advice for solving problems that I was facing.

At this point in time I am still working on web-hosting and getting a domain (they cost money) Luckily, I have access to a server that can allow me to publish without having my desired URL.

YAY for completed websites!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

More images are coming soon!

Hey everyone! More images will be coming soon! I will be going into greater detail on the projects that I have already created, ones that I'm in the middle of, and things that I'm thinking for the future. I will also post paintings, drawings, etc that are available for purchase (that is for those who are interested).


Interface Design

Besides print work and editorials my weakest link is web design. I've only ever completed 2 websites (one html and one flash) and to be honest they are not even worthy to be shown. I think I struggle with this area because of the coding, my brain has a hard time thinking in code and it likes much more creative approaches.

Despite my weakness I greatly desire to better learn web design and all the coding and logic behind it. To do this I will be creating 3 websites between today and the end of April. The first being my personal design website. The second, a website for an artist and designer named Rhaelene Lowther. (She greatly needs a portfolio website). And the last a website centered around a layout that I have been working on.

I am hoping that by completing these websites that I will build my confidence in web design and be able to tackle other such projects that come my way.



I am not ashamed to say that one of my weakest areas in graphic design is print and editorial work. Here is all that I have. PLEASE leave positive comments in regards to opinions, ideas, etc that may help me improve my skills and talent in this area.
