Thursday, May 24, 2012

Design after Graduation

Finally! Graduation seemed so far away and then it came and went faster than I could say the word graduation. Now that graduation is over I have spent a good share of my time job hunting. I've had a few interviews, no luck yet but that hasn't gotten my down. I continue to search several times a day and have been utilizing contacts that my family has given me.

When I'm not looking for a job or taking care of my little girl I can still be found doing design work. It's kind of a weird feeling that I have been doing design work that isn't for a school project (which most of the time all my work was for school). It's certainly been a nice change.

A few projects that I have done are the following:

Information short film/movie/moving text show for CatchDeed. CatchDeed is basically a way of showing the good deeds that one does, imputing in online and watching how that one deed grows into many more good deeds. It was created using Adobe Flash. It was a great experience to work with actual clients. The process was simple and clean. I discussed the project via phone with the owners. Mocked up a brief story board from my takings from the phone call followed by having a meeting by the owners. Then actually completing the project. Once I completed the project a '' viewing was done (where others can look at your computer screen and see what you have up). The owners enjoyed what they saw and only had minor changes. Changes were fixed and the next thing I know I was meeting with them one last time to give them all the material. It was a rather quick process - roughly two weeks from beginning to end. The project itself did not take a very long time to execute but adding being sick and my little one being sick did lengthen the time frame a little bit.

If you would like to view the video it can be seen on YouTube as well as on the Facebook page for CatchDeed.

My next project has been my daughter's birthday invitations. I was so excited to finally be able to do these and I've had the idea for them for months now. I wanted something simple yet cute as a 'bug' (Her nickname is bug). Here is what I did for the invitation. I have changed her name as well as the date and address of the event for privacy reasons.


 The inserts I created for the event. I put 4 on a sheet for printing purposes.

I got the invites and inserts printed at Walmart 1-hour photo. It didn't cost very much and they turned out great. On the inserts I just had to cut them to size. I greatly enjoyed how the turned out and I hope those that were invited enjoyed them as well.

Due to graduating I needed some graduation announcements. Being a designer I decided to do them myself. For these I ending up surfing the internet to find examples and I found an example that I loved. The only problem was to create something similar required much more than a quick recreation. I had to learn some design skills that I have not ever attempted... it was the clipping mask. It was rather easy to to. I pulled out my adobe books and went to work. I ended up learning it in the following Adobe products: Indesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop. After creating the clipping mask I realized that it was pretty fun to do and really wasn't hard at all.

Here is the final product.

In ending, even though I may be done with school and I am still looking for employment I am still designing. Design is what I love, it's what I'm passionate about.